Mobile Check-In

We are implementing a mobile check-in service to help decrease in-hospital wait times to facilitate quicker patient care.

​*Please note: This number does not include Priority 1 patients or patients currently receiving treatment. We treat the most critically ill and seriously injured patients first.


To start the check-in process, text “PEVSH” to 888-601-2172

You will then receive two text messages that will prompt you to complete a registration and questionnaire. Our receptionists are constantly monitoring our “online waiting room.” This reduces the in-hospital wait times and facilitates patient care. Please continue to wait until you are contacted to be seen as our wait time can be several hours long. When it is your pet’s turn, you will be contacted to head into the hospital. 

Upon arriving at the hospital, a receptionist will finish checking you in. Once your pet is taken for triage, you will be escorted to an exam room where you can wait comfortably while the doctor examines your pet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you examine patients in the order they are checked in?

No. Our patients are treated based on a triage system. Severely ill patients are seen first.
Once you check your pet in, we will triage them based on the symptoms you have provided.

Triage Categories:

  • Priority 1:   Survival is possible if life-saving measures are applied. Examples: Bloat (GDV), active seizures, difficulty breathing, urinary tract blockage, heat stroke, collapse, allergic reactions, vehicular accidents, and poisoning.
  • Priority 2:   Survival is likely if care is given within hours. Examples: closed fractures, diarrhea, vomiting, bowel obstruction, and urinary tract infections.
  • Priority 3:   Non-life-threatening conditions but treatment will improve comfort and healing time:  Examples: skin conditions, lameness, abscess, minor wounds, sore eyes/ears, and chronic diseases.  

Once checked in, you will then be contacted with an estimated wait time.

If you believe your pet is experiencing a life-threatening situation, call us immediately.

Contact The Office

PHONE: (252) 991-6560
FAX: (252) 557-3487
EMAIL: [email protected]

Office Location

5702 Grover Lane
Sims, NC 27880


We are open 24 hours a day for Emergency Care.

Tuesday - Friday: 8am - 5pm (By Appointment Only)

Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm (By Appointment Only)